Residents' Surveys

We’re campaigning to improve the local services that you pay for but we need your help to do it. By taking a few minutes to complete our survey, you’ll help make sure we’re fighting for the things that matter most to local people.

We’re already making progress holding the coalition at the District Council to account ensuring they protect things like free parking in the district. 

But there’s still much more to do. So please fill in our survey, and together let’s make West Oxfordshire an even better place to live and work.

Local Residents' Survey

  • Current Supporting Communities
  • Tackling crime
  • Local priorities
  • You and your views
  • Get involved
  • Your details
The coalition at Oxfordshire County Council have started to rollout on-street parking charges in West Oxfordshire. How important do you think free parking locally is?
The county council are rolling out 20mph speed limits as part of a £8million programme. Do you support 20mph speed limits in your area?
